Every day one person dies hourly from oral cancer, which is why dentists now screen constantly.
An Oral Cancer Screening Exam is to provide early detection of cancerous and precancerous lesions. Oral cancer can be found in the oral cavity and the oropharynx, the part of the pharynx that lies between the soft palate and hyoid bone in the mouth.
Symptoms of oral cancer include:
- Red and/or white patches
- Any sore that doesn’t heal in two weeks
- Persistent hoarseness
- Feeling as if something is caught in the throat
- Difficulty moving jaw or tongue
- Difficulty swallowing
- Ear pain on one side
- Sore(s) under a denture that doesn’t heal
- Lump(s) or thickening in the mouth or on neck
The exam is painless, quick, and can be done during a regular checkup. It is highly recommended by most doctors to have an oral cancer screening exam in order to limit chances of cancer or to detect it early enough to treat it.
What to expect during an Oral Cancer Screening Exam?
- A physical exam of the outside and inside of your gums and cheeks, from top to bottom and front to back.
- Examination of the floor of your mouth, underneath your tongue and the roof of your mouth.
- Touch and inspect the lymph nodes in your neck and jaw, examine the inside and outside of lips, your major salivary glands and area around your ears.
- Visual inspection of your face for signs of asymmetry or swelling.
- Inspect the tongue’s posterior, sides, bottom, and top by pulling it out with a gauze.
- Inspect the back of your mouth and throat by extending tongue out and saying ‘ahh’.
- The doctor will ask about smoking or drinking habits, your lifestyle and specific health conditions or medications you may have which could affect your mouth, head, and neck.
Goodman Dental Center provides Oral Cancer Screening Exam to all patients. Call today to learn more about the exam, or to schedule an appointment.