Cosmetic Dentistry

Goodman Dental Center

General Dentistry & Cosmetic Dentistry located in Queen Creek, AZ

If you're unhappy with the appearance of your teeth due to their color, shape, or condition, cosmetic dentistry can provide a solution. At Goodman Dental Center in Queen Creek, Arizona, Dr. Brian Goodman and Dr. Tanner Goodman offer a range of cosmetic treatments, including teeth whitening, bonding, veneers, and crowns, to transform your smile. Call the office or book an appointment online to schedule a cosmetic dentistry consultation and learn how you can achieve the smile you desire.

Cosmetic Dentistry Q & A

What is included in cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry at Goodman Dental Center focuses on improving the aesthetic appearance of your smile. The treatments are usually not designed to improve your oral health or function (though they can), but rather to primarily improve your confidence and self-esteem.

Consider cosmetic dentistry if you’re self-conscious about your smile. You may be reluctant to smile in public or cover your mouth when you laugh or speak. You can achieve whiter teeth, fill in gaps, create uniformity, and make chips disappear.

What treatments are included as part of cosmetic dentistry?

The team at Goodman Dental Center offers a comprehensive suite of cosmetic dentistry services, including:


Veneers are thin sheets of porcelain overlays that fit right over your existing teeth. They correct discoloration that doesn’t respond to traditional whitening, create uniformity, and fix mild misalignments and gaps.

Teeth whitening

If you have teeth that have yellowed due to dietary choices, aging, or tobacco use, in-office whitening can give you a dramatic change in shade and a sparkling smile.


Crowns are prosthetic teeth that are placed over a weak or damaged tooth to improve its shape, size, strength, or appearance.


Bonding consists of applying a tooth-colored composite resin to one or more of your teeth to repair signs of damage. The process works for cracked, chipped, or decayed teeth.

If you’re missing one or more teeth, cosmetic dentures and implants are also an option to create a functional and full set of teeth. Implants are metal posts placed into your jawbone. A crown affixes to this post to simulate your natural tooth in look and function.

What is the best cosmetic dentistry procedure for me?

The expert team at Goodman Dental Center can help you design the smile you want. Following an oral exam and discussion of your smile goals, the dentists put together a customized treatment plan to help you fill gaps, improve sparkle, and reform irregular teeth.

Don’t wait to make your cosmetic dentistry appointment; call the office, or use the online booking tool today to make your consultation at Goodman Dental Center.